Sunday, May 27, 2012

Kinect SDK 1.5

Well it's out, been out for a day or two now with some great new additions such as the face recognition and near mode skeletal tracking. I've not had any time to really play with it and my ideas but I did discover something daft that I should have realised earlier.

Looking at the green screen sample my brain went "hold on, how is it showing the parts that make up the person instead of just the skeleton?" and dove into the code.

Yes, depth data has all the parts of a person. The original SDK had this as well in the colouring of the players depth data. Why didn't I realise this!

So my trials of bounding boxes, while not a total loss, were based on the assumption I'd have to find all the depth points that make up a person myself.

MS also included an excellent PDF link called Human_Interface_Guidelines_v1.5.0. It covers a lot of points from hardware spec, UI design, usability and essentially says "Hey, we did a whole bunch of research with a whole bunch of people, these are the things you should know" which is really nice of MSR (one of my favourite groups out there).

On the Lync front, I've completed the code for my latest project barring some EWS calls. The ideas surrounding it are simple enough but should hopefully revolutionise how we collaborate and "use space" once I get some Kinect integrated. Small steps (and lots of testing).

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