Sunday, June 3, 2012

Microsoft.Speech, getting voices in your head

A quick glance through the voice samples of the Kinect shows the Microsoft.Speech namespace. Great, get it working and test a few things out. Fire up some documentation on how to use the Synthesizer, set to default audio and crash. Quick further check, apparently you should be dumping the stream to a SoundPlayer and playing that way. Zero size stream, hrmm.

Turns out all you really need is one of these

Using System.Speech you'll get Microsoft Anna when running GetInstalledVoices(), but nothing when using Microsoft.Speech. Yup, you're missing a voice.

Some of them are a bit hit and miss. Anna isn't very fluid at all, en-GB_Hazel can't say my wifes name yet en-US_ZiraPro can. Oh well. I now know how to do both direct audio output and to a stream for sending somewhere, such as a notification via a custom Lync client.

Speech recognition itself with the grammar builder file is quite nice. I can see myself spending some time building a query/response/action library for automating small activities such as queuing up the latest episode of something (why yes, I mean on youtube, of course), checking for patches for DayZ and download/extract to location, look at my RSS lists and bring new items to my attention and read them out. Having a new small human means this type of thing would really help (and can leverage my non-iDevice environment and actual computing power with ease of customisation).

No further work done on any Kinect projects though. The Lync project I have is almost at a decent beta phase, all the questions from my testing earlier this week have answers now, thanks to a few chats with two very smart chaps at work. The main part left is a decent configuration system and wiring the client to look them all up.

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