Thursday, May 17, 2012

UCMA 3.0 and presence samples

Following samples is a good way to start things, unless they just don't work for your configured environment. I recently had issues connecting an application endpoint to our Lync 2010 setup, these started with a simple timeout from the server.

Checking a bit more (having confirmed the setup of the trusted endpoint) showed that, unlike the samples I'd found, using the proxy settings for the ApplicationEndpointSettings was a bad thing.

With that out the way, the next hurdle became a mutual TLS exception when using the provisioned settings. All signs point to "you messed up the cert somewhere", but quickly switching over to ServerPlatformSettings and applying the provided cert got the system up and running.

Finally, tying up a persistent RemotePresenceView and event for PresenceNotificationReceived (Task 3) was the annoying. State change events logged a repeated Subscribing, WaitingForRetry. The notification event never even got to fire and the Lync contact for the endpoint never registered as Available.

As a last shot before trying to start from scratch again, I went back through to the start and changed the ApplicationEndpoint to a UserEndpoint, ran it and everything worked. The Lync client showed my endpoint as being available and my subscription to a contacts presence fired at the right times.

I think the issues I had stemmed from a few possible things:
1: Cert issues - did it get properly set on the Lync server? If this was the issue then not using ServerPlatformSettings may have helped resolve 2.
2: I didn't get the Lync server restarted (someone on the MSDN forums had similar issues with an application endpoint not firing events using ServerPlatformSettings, this was their fix)

And finally was it a lack of understanding the workings of Lync in general on my part?
It's probable, but at the same time, samples are there to walk you through a simple process.
Is our environment odd? I know there are some oddities that have been added to make it work with the bastard nightmare child of a phone system we like to call our "primary" phone system, but these don't touch the standard Lync setup I'm talking to.

At least I now have a serviceable framework for tracking presence that I can use to get a reporting system working on.

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