Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Been plugging away at this for some time, alternating between rank and file Warhammer Empire painting.

I'm solidly impressed with Unreal Engine 4. I've made a game framework with zero code only using their Blueprints system.
Here's the earliest generally working version:

Followed by the new models, projectiles:

Finally I added in an enemy base responsible for coordinating and spawning AI (complete with shields and hitpoints and effects), a spawn for enemy resupply and escorts...

Damage, enemy win conditions, level reloading and now I'm on to UI stuff, starting with a pause menu and now the inventory screen.

Still a fair bit to go but it's shaping up nicely. Once I get more inventory/damage types I'll go and start testing multiplayer (the core player ships already work nicely in MP).

I've learnt a fair bit about the landscape tools but I'm not 100% sure how I'll handle the terrain.

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