Sunday, February 23, 2014

Setting up free email hosting with Microsoft

After far too long I've finally nabbed a domain for myself. Using the standard forwarding of email and an iframe redirect with cloaking seemed... a bit off. A quick search led me to Google apps who now charge for hosting an email domain, and to Microsoft who don't using ( as the base.

Head over to and sign in, you'll get to the Domain settings mail setup.

The instructions are fairly straight forward, the only issue I had was configuring my dns settings via my provider. The advanced control panel on had an odd layout that I had to get my head around.

Logging in, select domain templates from the menu and add a new template.

There is a selection of A records and MX records added by default, but following the instructions from MS I removed all the MX and set a single record prefixed with @, 10 priority and the address of the server ( in this case).

I then added the TXT record as they advised using the same prefix @ as the MX.

domains4less updates once every 30 minutes so I waited till the next tick and hit refresh on Nothing.

Waiting another 15 minutes for the settings to roll out properly and success! I was then able to configure the email account I wanted and logged into the familiar looking site of that account.

Now to continue setting up with an azure site.

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